Chinese investor wants to build Hans Christian Andersen theme park

Billionaire Huang Nubo wants to put a theme park on Funen to attract Chinese tourists

One of the richest men in China, Huang Nubo, wants to invest in a Hans Christian Andersen theme park on Funen, according to Politiken newspaper.

If the Little Mermaid can travel to Shanghai, the Chinese can travel to Denmark to visit an Andersen theme park close to his hometown of Odense. At least that’s what Huang Nubo seems to think. The Chinese investor, hotel owner and billionaire, wants to see Chinese tourists flock to Denmark.

“Huang Nubo is very interested in backing a hotel or an amusement park – maybe an actual theme park – on Funen,” the trade and investment minister, Pia Olsen Dyhr (Socialistisk Folkeparti), told Politiken. “It would be especially for Chinese visitors who want to experience H.C. Andersen.”?

Huang’s investment company, Zhongkun, first showed interest in Denmark back in September. When Dyhr visited China in February, she met with the company’s vice president – who is Huang’s son – and found they were still very interested. The Danish government has a new strategy to advance investments from countries like China, as well as increase exports.

“This could be the single project to really open up for Chinese investments in Denmark,” Dyhr said.

On Funen there have been plans to open a park since 2008, when a group of investors declared their support for the project, but the economic crisis put an end to the plans. 

The news of a possible Chinese investor was well received by Odense’s mayor, Anker Boye (Socialdemokraterne). A local fund, the H.C. Andersen Fonden Odense, works on bringing attention to the writer, both on a national and international level.

“Huang Nubo could be interesting in connection with this, and we’re in full swing assessing the Chinese investor as a potential investment partner,” he said to Politiken newspaper.

The Andersen theme park isn’t Huang’s first flirtation with Nordic investments. He previously attempted to purchase 300 square kilometres in Iceland, but the deal fell through.