Who is … Gustav Salinas?


He is a 21-year-old gay Danish professional reality TV star who rose to fame in 2009 when he participated in the TV2 dating programme ‘Dagens Mand’ (Man of the Day).


I feel like I’ve seen him before

You probably have. This little half-Chilean diva is the reality-darling of TV3, having been on ‘For lækker til love’ (Too hot for love), ‘Divaer I junglen’ (Divas in the jungle), and ‘Wipeout’. This autumn he stars in yet another reality TV show with fellow trash-TV star Linse Kessler (also known as ‘Scandinavia’s largest silicone breasts’). 


Classy. So what’s this new reality show about then?

It’s called ‘Gustav og Linse på udebane’ and follows the divalicious duo as they squeal their way through menial jobs both in Denmark and abroad. Think Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie a la ‘The Sweet Life’, but with more sex jokes.


That makes five different reality shows. What does he do that’s so entertaining?

Gustav is best known for his quest to find the perfect man on ‘for lækker til love’.  His trademark qualities include having a wonderfully fluorescent tan, making bitchy comments about his suitors, a pout that puts Angelina Jolie to shame, and a serious penchant for Burberry, which he pronounces ‘Bebborie’. 


Does he do anything other than reality TV?

He used to be seen waiting tables or tending the bar at the Imperial Hotel, but those days are long gone for Gustav. He’s promoting Fresh Fitness gyms at the moment, with a slogan that directly refers to him as an idiot as he pouts in the mirror. 


So he’s not the sharpest tool in the reality-star shed?

Probably not, but he has been known to make a sharp comment or two. Among them was when he pronounced his love for the Danish Royal Family, and how proud he was that we have a gay prince. 


So has he found love?

Not yet – he is ‘too hot for love’ after all. But we wish him and his three-piece, pink-plaid ‘Bebborie’ imitation suit the best of luck as he continues his search for love and TV ratings this autumn.