With the EU recently approving an initiative to better control maritime pollution, the government is poised to crack down on ships that don't live up to the sulphur standards in Danish waters.
The environment minister, Kirsten Brosbøl, is elated over the EU decision, and as part of the 'Clean air for the Danes' package, the government has set aside 7 million kroner to tighten the control of maritime polluters.
“Thanks to the EU decision, we have set a clear course towards cleaner air for all Europeans,” Brosbøl said in a press release.
“Sulphur and particles can make us ill and lead to acid rain and it's important that we back each other against air pollution. Air pollution knows no borders and 80 percent of particle pollution in Denmark stems from abroad.”
READ MORE: Danish drone could help bust maritime pollution sinners
More control
The EU deal means that member states have a responsibility to continuously control the ships and take fuel samples. Additionally, the nations must adhere to rules about how they take oil samples from ships and report their findings to the EU Commission.
The EU sulphur demand came into effect on 1 January 2015 and demands that all ships in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea must reduce their sulphur emissions by 90 percent – the extra fuel cost depending on the ships' size and speed.
“Denmark is already far into the planning stage and Danish shipping companies are ensuring that their ships live up to the new legislation,” Brosbøl said.
The minister went on to reveal that Denmark will monitor ships from the air, using planes and drones, while the control of ships in Danish harbours will increase.