New speed cameras paying off big time

Nearly two million kroner in fines racked up in less than five hours

New speed camera police vehicles (ATC) positioned on the Køge Bugt motorway yesterday brought in just under 2 million kroner in fines in just five hours.

The ATC cameras caught 978 drivers going too fast on the stretch of road between the Solrod South and Ølby/Køge north exits where the speed limit drops to 80 km/h due to roadworks. The cameras caught the speeders between 7:18 am and 12:36 pm yesterday.

Double fines
Each motorist photographed will be hit with a minimum fine of 2,000 kroner. The normal penalty would have been 1,000 kroner, but fines are doubled in construction areas. 

“Workers are vulnerable because they work so close to traffic,” Martin Bjerregaard from the Mid and West Zealand Police told Jyllands-Posten. “Therefore Parliament has approved double fines where road work is going on.”

READ MORE: More photo trailers to catch speeders

Bjerregaard said that approximately 14,000 motorists drove past the monitored stretch and that 93 percent of them complied with the speed limit.

Serious accidents
There have recently been some serious accidents on the Køge Bugt motorway, but Bjerregaard said that was not the reason for the speed controls being put in place.

“This will not be the last time we put an ATC car on this stretch,” he said. “We must ensure that road workers have safe working conditions.”