Thousands of Copenhagen street lamps going to auction

City’s lighting upgrade will result in design classics being on sale to the public

If you’ve ever wanted to bring an authentic piece of the Copenhagen streetscape into your home, now is your chance as the capital is replacing 7,000 of its street lamps and selling the decommissioned models at auction, DR reports.

“The lamps that were designed by the municipal architect’s office in the 70s,” Steffen Rasmussen, a department head at Copenhagen Municipality, explained to DR.

“Since then they’ve been hanging in the streets providing light, so it’s a piece of Copenhagen’s history that’s being put up for sale for people’s enjoyment.”

Fit in with decorating trend
The lamps will be sold by the auction house in several rounds and could potentially result in something of a windfall for the city, according to Rasmussen. “The auction house has valued the lamps at 1,500 kroner each, but given that there are so many for sale, it could be lower,” he said.

Mette Rode Sundstrøm, the head of, is excited at the opportunity to sell the lamps.

“They really hit the spot in the decorating and homestyle tendencies right now, where it’s becoming important to make things personal and unique with finds from different time periods and styles,” she said.

“The focus is on things with patina, made with sturdy materials and with value over and above the commercial.”