Union views: Bored with your job?

I know it’s taboo, but did you know that one in six is bored with his or her work? The phenomenon has become so widespread it even has a name: boreout. Not only is it harmful to the individual, but also ineffective and expensive for companies.

What does boreout mean to you and your career, and what can you do about it? Here is my take.

Who does it hit?
Boreout often hits white-collar workers facing neverending to-do lists, meaningless assignments, needless meetings or a lack of recognition of their talent.

It consists of three elements: boredom, a lack of challenge and a lack of interest. It’s about having too few challenges in relation to your abilities, and/or having such uninteresting tasks that your job seems pointless.

Your job’s in the red
Once you were excited to get up in the morning and you talked about work all the time. Now you are tired and sluggish when you go to work and totally drained of any energy when you return home.

If you had a personal account for commitment, energy and job satisfaction, the balance would be negative.

You feel stuck in a rut. But before you summon the motivation to get out, it’s worth trying to reignite the spark that was once there.

What can you do?
It’s important to remember when you still had the spark: why you applied for your current position in the first place? And then you must assess what has happened since.

Remember that it’s okay to say no. Don’t be a pushover and take the assignment nobody else wants.

And take responsibility. Make your job more challenging. Look to take on a new role, so you have to make an effort to succeed.

Keeping your skills current will energise you, stave off boredom and show your employer that you are thinking ahead. Most importantly, it keeps you prepared for opportunities that may arise.