Inside this week | Our reward for all the rain

This is our reward for all the rain, for the spoilt walks and weather-induced pain – a weekend so hot some of you will even complain. 


And fortunately, with temperatures threatening to climb as high as 30 degrees, we’ve got the goods to tempt you away from your hoods. 


Sure, the Premier League season might be starting, but football games are ten-a-penny. Whereas heatwaves in monsoon-friendly Denmark (it’s tropical without the heat) – let’s face it, there are never, ever any.


You owe it to yourself to get out and about this Saturday, and it needn’t be a drain on your finances. For starters, early doors, reserve a place on the grass to watch the three-hour concert in the grounds of Rosenborg Castle (last week’s InOut for details), a preview of the Royal Danish Theatre’s forthcoming 2012-13 season that is completely free. The grounds open at 9am and the concert doesn’t start until 6pm – so you can see the need to get there early.  


And then, once you’ve bought Farmor a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey and sat her down on your blanket with a bottle of scotch, head off to the St Albans Summer Fete, an annual fair that opens at 10am with loads of cracking bargains on offer, including thousands of English-language books and lots of Anglo food goodies. 


Once you’ve eaten your cream tea, cucumber sandwich, and packet of Hula Hoops, head off to the Copenhagen Pride Parade, which starts at 1pm at Frederiksberg Rådhus, for an afternoon of sizzling action. Most of the participants were going to be daring whatever the weather, so God knows what they’re going to wear on the hottest day of the year. 


And after you’ve had your fill, you might consider a trip to Malmø to take in the delights of its week-long festival or, instead of the castle, enjoy a night out at the CPH Songwriters Festival in Vesterbro.


So don’t say you haven’t been warned. It’s going to be hot, the city’s got the lot, so off you trot.