Inside this week | Tolerating the cold, not the whingers

I’m always the last one in the office to complain that it’s cold. “Shut up, you mollycoddled wimp,” “Put a jumper on,” and “Stop dressing like a hooker,” are my usual responses to such a claim, but it is a common one, and working in such an international office, I like to pretend I’m a tolerant man.

The Danes are the worst. They practically live at the North Pole, but yet their bodies are tuned to the Tropics. Growing up in Britain, I was forced to wear shorts in all weather until the age of eleven and spent the best part of the preceding years looking for a radiator that actually worked. At Rugby School, Tom Brown cried when he was roasted in front of a fire; at mine that was the equivalent of winning the Hogwart’s Cup.

But today, I appreciated it was a bit chilly. So I changed my coat. While I tend to get by on just one pair of shoes, having summer, autumn and winter coats is a necessity if you don’t want to get caught shivering, sobering up on a street you don’t recognise, at three in the morning, or end up sweating like a pig at the ambassador’s residence after cycling through an unexpected burst of Indian summer in Hellerup.  

And it goes without saying that it applies to your kids as well. Fortunately Kids Corner this week has all the knowhow about equipping your little perishers with the seasonal essentials. And if you fancy saving a few bob, some of the selections in this week’s shopping column are second-hand shops that sell kids clothing.

Of course, complaining about the temperature is pretty common in blues music – take Stormy Monday’, as performed  by BB King (of the whingers) – so the stars of that genre should feel at home when they arrive for next week’s Copenhagen Blues Festival.

Singing the blues, it must be conceded, is a perfectly permissible form of complaining. But then again, I guess I’m just extremely tolerant.

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