Meteorite?It’s freaky alright!

Mystery continues to surround the landing of a strange rock in the grounds of Rygaards School in Hellerup late last month

It was a case of hold that front page as fully 50 Year 4 children from the international department of Rygaards School descended upon the offices of The Copenhagen Post on the morning of Friday January 31.

But they were too late, as we had already gone to print. If only, in the immortal words of Aqua, we could turn back time.

Armed with their pens, notepads and fearsome interview techniques, the intrepid reporters of the future first lay siege to managing editor Ben Hamilton (that would be me) with an onslaught of questions. Whoa, we thought you were the ones with the story!

And then it was down to business. A suspect rock, possibly a meteorite, had landed in their school’s grounds. They had the eye-witness accounts, the details and the expert opinions – all this humble scribe needed to do was thread it all into a news story and nail it onto that front page. No pressure at all.

And just like that, as sudden as the impact of that rock itself, it was over. Veni, vidi, vici, they left 90 minutes later with a front page in the bag. 

If only all of our cover stories could be that cost and time-effective.