Coming up soon: Myths is Nørrebro, movies in the park and mingling on the beach


Join the Dinner Movie Club to see ‘Boyhood’ in Fælledeparken. Bring blankets, drinks and food as the picnic is on! The movie starts at 9pm, but the group meets at 7 for new introductions (Aug 13, 19:00; Øster Alle 41, Cph Ø; free adm)


(photo: istock)


A new pop-up tour this Friday, this time about Nordic mythology. Learn about old legends and myths in the multi-ethnic neighbourhood of Nørrebro (Aug 7, 16:00-19:00; Corner of Thorsgade, Odinsgade 22, Cph N; tickets 100kr)


(photo: pixabay)
(photo: pixabay)


Is it possible to have a fulfilling life? Find out at Adam Starr’s talk ‘Meditation and the pursuit of happiness’. (Aug 10 or 12, 19:00; Store Kongensgade 40H st. tv; free adm; book online at


(photo: istock)
(photo: istock)


Dress for success! This party at Stay Copenhagen Hotel rooftop is organised by a fashion men’s magazine. So show up looking fancy and on time for the free drinks. (Aug 7, 20:30; Islands Brygge 79, Cph S; free adm)


(photo: istock)
(photo: istock)


Beach Party at Amager! Pack your swimsuit, beers and party mood for this amazing sunny Saturday at the beach with a line-up of music that lasts till sunset (Aug 8, 11:00-23:00; Amager Strandvej, Cph S)


(photo: pixabay)

Are you a keen photographer? Join this group for a morning photo walk in Amager and see how nature wakes up (Aug 8, 07:00-10:00; Kulturhuset, Islands Brygge 18, Cph S; free adm)