Join the Dinner Movie Club to see ‘Boyhood’ in Fælledeparken. Bring blankets, drinks and food as the picnic is on! The movie starts at 9pm, but the group meets at 7 for new introductions (Aug 13, 19:00; Øster Alle 41, Cph Ø; free adm)
A new pop-up tour this Friday, this time about Nordic mythology. Learn about old legends and myths in the multi-ethnic neighbourhood of Nørrebro (Aug 7, 16:00-19:00; Corner of Thorsgade, Odinsgade 22, Cph N; tickets 100kr)
Is it possible to have a fulfilling life? Find out at Adam Starr’s talk ‘Meditation and the pursuit of happiness’. (Aug 10 or 12, 19:00; Store Kongensgade 40H st. tv; free adm; book online at
Dress for success! This party at Stay Copenhagen Hotel rooftop is organised by a fashion men’s magazine. So show up looking fancy and on time for the free drinks. (Aug 7, 20:30; Islands Brygge 79, Cph S; free adm)
Beach Party at Amager! Pack your swimsuit, beers and party mood for this amazing sunny Saturday at the beach with a line-up of music that lasts till sunset (Aug 8, 11:00-23:00; Amager Strandvej, Cph S)
Are you a keen photographer? Join this group for a morning photo walk in Amager and see how nature wakes up (Aug 8, 07:00-10:00; Kulturhuset, Islands Brygge 18, Cph S; free adm)