Out and About: La fastest game on two feet

Despite being ‘the fastest game on two feet’, loads of action and fun (left), the Canadian national sport is no big deal in Denmark yet. Lacrosse only has three teams in Denmark so far and Nick Ravenhall (centre left on the left) from New Zealand, who lives in Norway, is the man to change that.

Being responsible for promoting and building up lacrosse in Denmark, he organised an international tournament in Copenhagen in August.

Teams from Britain, Norway, Sweden, Germany and the United States were welcomed by the Copenhagen Vikings, a team composed of the best players of all the Danish teams. Among them was Ian Rummler (centre left, on the right) from the US who is half-Danish, half-American.

They attracted many spectators (right) which made for a sporty weekend full of tension and competitiveness. For the ladies: there is also a woman’s team in Copenhagen that is always looking for new players!