Danish government passes carrier liability law

Transport companies will be responsible for ID checks should Denmark impose temporary border controls

A majority in Parliament has today voted in favour of a new carrier liability law that passes on the responsibility for checking passenger IDs to transport companies, but only if Denmark decides to introduce temporary border controls, reports DR.

The proposal was rushed to Parliament and several transport companies, including Scandlines and SAS, complained they did not have enough time to reflect on the government’s suggestions.

Also in Sweden
The law will affect other Danish train and bus companies, which will have to train employees to carry out ID controls of all passengers entering the country.

A similar proposal has been debated in neighbouring Sweden, which is expected to come into force on January 4.

Border traffic would stop
In Denmark, the law was criticised by Radikale and Alternativet. The parties cannot imagine how it could be translated into practice, should it become necessary.

Arriva has already warned it will be forced to stop all operations across the borders because the bus operator does not have the trained personnel to carry out the ID checks.