Young Danes avoiding the dentist

52 percent said they feared the bill

According to a new report, the number of young people who ignore their dental problems is on the rise.

The report, compiled by the dental insurance organisation Dansk Tandforsikring, showed that every other young person aged 18-25 suffering from dental issues avoids the dentist.

“The consequences can be tooth ache, damaged teeth and gums, lost teeth, a poor chewing capacity and abscessed teeth,” Freddie Sloth-Lisbjerg – a dentist who is the head of the dentist association Tandlægeforeningen – told Metroxpress newspaper.

READ MORE: Young Danes avoiding dentist due to hefty bills

Paying dearly?
According to the report, 52 percent of Danish people aged 18-25 avoid the dentist because of the high cost.

According to Sloth-Lisbjerg, the problem starts when the youngsters turn 18, lose their municipal dental care, and fail to choose a dentist.

“We know that only 60-70 percent choose a new dentist,” he said.

“I can’t understand why young people postpone going to the dentist when a check-up and a tooth cleaning only costs 250-500 kroner. The bill only increases the longer they stay away.”

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