Municipalities to support returnees from war and disaster zones

Gladsaxe, Herlev and Ballerup are opening a common council for veterans

The municipalities of Gladsaxe, Herlev and Ballerup are opening Denmark’s first Veteran Council to provide support to Danes returning from conflict and disaster zones.

The Veteran Council will not focus on offering treatment but rather serve as a forum where people with similar challenges can communicate and support each other.

The council will be open to both war veterans as well as other professionals  deployed in international service – for example, with humanitarian organisations.

Deserving of recognition
Herlev Municipality has many years of experience helping veterans and today has a well-established network of support groups, while in Ballerup they celebrate the nation’s veterans every year on National Flag Day.

“Our veterans deserve all the deepest respect and recognition for their efforts,” stated Jesper Würtzen, the mayor of Ballerup.

“I am glad that with the establishment of the Veteran Council, we can help raise awareness and support the veteran association’s good work.”

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