Mo Sista tops Movember scoreboard


Movember kicked off in earnest this week, with thousands of men across the country having a clean shave on Sunday night in preparation for growing a moustache to raise vital cash to tackle men’s health issues.

But it’s not only ‘Mo Bros’ getting involved. Some women, ‘Mo Sistas’, have also jumped in head-first to support the cause.

One of these is Suzanne O’Reilly, administrative coordinator at Copenhagen International School (CIS).

“My main reason to support Movember was so CIS Mo Sistas could show our support towards men’s health. And the best way I could think of doing this was by cutting my hair.”

And it’s been quite a success. O’Reilly has raised over 9,000 kroner in just under a week of the campaign – 3,000 kroner more than second-placed Thomas Sørensen, the Danish national football keeper.


After: O'Reilly says it was a shock for the first few days to see her short hair in the mirror

“As a woman – with a haircut I would never have dreamed of getting – it was a shock to look in the mirror for the first few days.  But it does allow me to think of those who have no choice and have to battle with hair loss and a fight for survival.”


O’Reilly added that while she was taking a dose of hair-growth vitamin pills, she hoped that more women would come forward and chop off their hair to help raise awareness.

“It’s very liberating and gives you a sense of doing something worthwhile for others in need, so it takes away the pain of hair loss.”

CIS has taken on Movember with verve. Student council president Frederik Petersen and eight male staff are growing moustaches.

“We all love it so much here, and we just thought it would be a perfect opportunity to give back to Denmark,” O’Reilly said.

Four male staff members at The Copenhagen Post are participating in Movember, though they have quite a ways to go to match O’Reilly. To support her efforts or The Copenhagen Post, please go to, and search for Suzanne O’Reilly, TheCopenhagenPostKevin, TheCopenhagenPostBen, TheCopenhagenPostPeter and/or TheCopenhagenPostDima.

The instructions for donating are in Danish only, but if you don't understand Danish or don't have a Dane handy who can help you, we've drawn up a English guide to walk you through.

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Grow a mo’ and raise some dough