He is a TV host
Where might I have seen him?
He hosts the show ‘Sexministeriet’ (the sex ministry) on DR Mama, in which he explores sex myths and fetishes. And in January his career hit the stratosphere when he hosted the Danish Melodi Grand Prix – a gig most celebrity hack wannabes would die for.
How would I recognise him?
Looking like a cross between Tintin and Max Headroom’s creepy albino brother, he’s pretty easy to recognise, unless you’re at Cosy nightclub on a Saturday morning – the one place this limp-wristed poser actually fits in with his neat look, white sleek hair, dark-framed glasses and overall lack of masculine features.
So is he a homosexual?
No, though most people assumed so for a long time. According to the man himself, it goes back to his time as an assistant on the Casper Christensen show ‘Aloha!’, when he chose to say aloha to his camp persona. But judging by the photos of him as a kid on the DR website, we would beg to differ.
What does he do today?
‘Emils Damer’ (Emil’s ladies), in which he spends a whole day being the boyfriend of a well-known fruit fly, chatting and cuddling, only further confusing the audience about his orientation. But quite frankly, if they’re watching this tripe, they deserve everything they get.
So there’s no action whatsoever?
Well, not unless you include an accidental glimpse of his penis. The unfortunately all-too-clear reflection wasn’t noticed until a few hours before airing and couldn’t be edited out. You would have thought that if anything was going to happen, it would have done with reality princess Amalie, but she ended up going out, leaving him to spend the night in her bed – alone.
Does he date anyone for real?
Apparently, but we don’t know what she thinks about his love of “horny bitches”.
Yikes. Anything else?
When he was 19, he appeared on ‘Popstars’ and ended up in a Danish boy-band called Back for Good. Unfortunately for us, it wasn’t long before they split for good, and he embarked on a
career in TV.