TV2 Zulu understands its audience. Under 30, zero patience, the idea of waiting a week for an episode fills them with horror. Give them what they want, or they’ll download it somewhere else. This is why for about a year now Zulu has every Sunday been showing an entire series, morning to evening – and often they’re Scandinavian premieres.
Terriers, recommended with a healthy 75 on Metacritic, is one such show. From the creator of The Shield, it’s an equally dark, but wittier tale of two unlicensed San Diego PIs who break more laws than the criminals they pursue. It’s “easy-rolling yet prickly,” purred Entertainment Weekly; “effortlessly smart, easy to like and exciting to follow”, agreed the Washington Post; and “likeable and familiar” chimed Time.
Three other dramas worth checking out are Kidnapped (DR1, Wed 22:00, 13 parts, 68 on Metacritic) that sounds uncannily like Mel Gibson film Ransom and that felt overlong at two hours; the heavy-duty British miniseries The Promise (DR2, Sat-Mon 17:00) in which a young British woman tries to make sense of her dying grandfather’s involvement in the early days of Israel; and Place of Execution (DR1, Thu 22:45), an intriguing British miniseries about the mystery of a girl’s disappearance 45 years ago.
Docs-wise, these four’s titles speak for themselves: The World’s Worst Place to be Gay (DR2, Wed 23:00) is, of course, Uganda; Curious and Unusual Deaths (DR HD, Fri 20:50 & Thu 20:00) looks like fun; Religulous (DR2, Sat 20:50) is an acclaimed work by satirist Bill Mather; and the seven-parter The Model Agency (London’s Premier Model Management) is according to the Guardian a “fascinating” expose of the industry about a “gaggle of idiots” who “talk a lot of shite” and “don’t just hang themselves, they chop their own heads off and stick them on the railings”
Elsewhere, there’s a Burlesque theme night on DRK on Monday from 20:00; another chance to see the miniseries Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV3 Puls, Mon 22:00) and the first ever episode of Dexter (TV3 Puls, Thu 22:00); and recently made music docs about Queen (SV2, Sat 00:00), Britney Spears (SV2, Sun 22:50), and Whitney Houston (SV1, Sun 21:30).