Community photo album | Hot like Copacabana

Temperatures hit 27 degrees over the bank holiday weekend, which was great new for the scantily-dressed dancers in the Carnival, and even better news for the rest of us. Thousands hit the streets and parks of Copenhagen (or was it Copacabana?) as the party atmosphere came to town on Friday. In Fælledparken, seven stages offered a variety of music from electronica to salsa, and Middle Eastern to Balkan. There were opportunities to learn some grooves and practice your moves on the various parades, while the kids have an absolute ball, forming their own procession on Friday.

Thousands of people revelled in the sun, samba and fun

 Anyone fancy a calypso?

 And the drums kept on playing

 Our vote has to go for the cowboy boots

 Brazil won, so why is a Greek fan doing the samba? (Photo: Bev Lloyd Roberts)

 Where's the snake?

 And the children were kids all weekend

The king of the carnival … (Photo: Bev Lloyd Roberts)

 and the queen … (Photo: Bev Lloyd Roberts)

 and the joker (Photo: Bev Lloyd Roberts)

 This time with his hat on

 Featherly fun was all the rage