Eur’ll go where your heart says

It’s been a long four-year wait, but finally the time has come for the next UEFA European Championship. Hosted by Poland and Ukraine, this year’s tournament is set to be bigger and better than ever – or at least that’s what they always say.

Whilst many of us would probably love to be able to see the games in person, most of us will have to settle for watching it from here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get out and support our teams.
Plenty of pubs and bars around Copenhagen are showing the games and some are even offering great drink and food specials.

Italian Immersion

While Cafe Sporten may not initially strike you as a place fit for the Italians, this small Thai restaurant is a well-known spot to head to if you are looking to support Italy. The Italian cultural organisation, Serate Italiane, often gathers their troops here and this place has played home to many a happy (2006) and disappointed (2002) Italian gathering over the years. 

Cafe Sporten, Falkoner Alle 54, Frederiksberg

Egg on England
Sankt Nikolai is a great lunch restaurant, come traditional English pub at nightfall. This newish bar may be hidden away down a small cobbled side-street, but the true English fans will surely be able to find it. During Monday’s opening game against France (18:00) a special ‘Sunday roast’ of Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding will be served (the irony of this choice will not be lost on the French), plus a pint of cask ale, for just 199 kroner. Pre-booking is essential. “And every time England score, we’ll knock five kroner off the price of a pint,” promises pub landlord Martin Popplewell. “Let’s just hope they don’t win 6-0.” Martin, however, remains optimistic England will do well. “We’re going to win it of course,” he says, adding with just the smallest amount of jest: “This time more than any other time.” This is a great venue for watching the games, even if your allegiance doesn’t lie with England.

Sankt Nikolai Restaurant & British Pub, Nikolajgade 18, Cph K


Diehard Dutch
One of Copenhagen’s favourite watering holes, The Globe, will be going Dutch during the tournament. Landlord Brian has previously decked the whole pub out in orange to welcome Holland’s fans and this year promises to be no different. The Globe is the home of the city’s Dutch society, who meets for regular drinks, and sources from the pub say that it’s bound to be packed this year every time the Netherlands plays. To help get Dutch supporters in the mood, there will be Grolsch drink specials and plenty of bitterballen, as well as other regular specials throughout the tournament period. While the Dutch may well be taking over The Globe, this cosy pub is of course Irish so it’s also a great place to catch their matches and others (including the English).

The Globe, Nørregade 43-45, Cph K
Go Germany
German supporters looking to root on their team should consider heading to the Viking House or Heidi’s Bier Bar. The Viking House has a long history of supporting the Germans and with their well-known cheap bar deals, it’ll be easy to celebrate the win or down your sorrows on the cheap. The Viking House will not only be airing the matches Germany competes in, but all the games from Euro 2012. Heidi’s Bier Bar, only a stone’s throw (hope it doesn’t come to that) away from Radhuspladsen, is another great option for those wishing to support the team everyone loves to hate. They are airing all the German matches, as well as all the Danish matches.

The Viking House, Vimmelskafet 49, Cph K; Heidi’s Bier Bar, Vestergde 18, Cph K


Incalculable Ireland
No-one parties as well as the Irish, making them a perfect team to support because even if you lose you’ll still have had a great time supporting them. For all those mad Irish fans out there, there’s only one place to head this summer to enjoy the games: The Irish Rover. They are airing all the games on their upstairs big screen plasma, as well as seven other plasma screens. All the games will be shown with English commentary and their famous sports special available throughout the tournament, which includes a ‘Big Rambling Rover Burger’ with fries and a large Carlsberg or soft drink for only 140 kroner. This place can get super-packed so consider ringing them to book a table in advance so you can be assured nothing will get between you and your sport.  

The Irish Rover, Vimmelskaftet 46, Cph K


Passionate Portugal
This Vesterbro establishment is supporting two teams this year: Portugal and Denmark. With a fantastic drinks selection and a lively position on Istedgade, things could get rowdy at Det Gul Hus, but what’s sport without a bit of passion? For all the Portuguese and Danish matches, this is one place you can count on.   

Det Gul Hus, Istedgade 48, Cph V

France Fanatics
Figaro is the place to go if you want to support the French in style. This cosy wine bar places an emphasis on good food and high quality wines, making it the perfect place for watching the games whilst enjoying a cheeky glass of wine and some lovely traditional French bistro fare. They will be airing all the French and Danish games throughout the tournament on a big screen, so if you have a flare for all things Gallic, head to Figaro, where they take their football very seriously.

Figaro, Willemoesgade 31, Cph Ø


Euro 2012 bar guide
Various venues in Cph; starts Friday, ends July 1

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