Irrefutable proof witches are made of … wood

In medieval times, wise men and women would spend Sankt Hans Aften gathering herbs for the next year. Until 1770, it was an official holiday. Today, it’s another excuse to drink and have barbecues around a bonfire in a country where the beer doesn’t seem to stop flowing. And since this year, 23 June is a Saturday, there’s really no excuse not to take advantage of one of the many gatherings around Copenhagen.

Whether you choose to head down to a beach with a group of friends or to join in at a larger get-together, you’ll have a great time singing hymns and watching the symbolic witch burning.

Sankt Hans Aften
Sat 23 June; various locations all over the country

Skt Hans at Kildevældsparken
This event is for the whole family, including children’s activities, music, and a speech by Copenhagen’s lord mayor, Frank Jensen. The speech will be in Danish, but what better time to practice your Danish skills than on the longest day of the year?
Kildevældsparken, ved Kildevældsparken, Cph Ø; 16:00-21:30; free adm

Skt Hans at Blågårds Plads
This event has everything you need: at 17:30, there will be an open grill selling food that caters to everyone – including vegetarians and Muslims – music, a cheap bar, entertainment for children, and of course, a bonfire.
Blågårds Plads, Cph N; music from 16:00-23:45; free adm; food and drinks for sale;

Skt Hans in Tivoli
Enjoy performances by three different choirs, followed by Sinatra night on the Open Air Stage. The bonfire will be held at the bridge over the Tivoli Lake.
Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3, Cph V; performances from 21:30; free adm after entrance to Tivoli; ticket: ages 0-7: free, ages 8 and up: 95kr

Skt Hans and a grill
If cooking over an open flame isn’t quite your thing, stop by for dinner, where you can enjoy steaks and sausages prepared by someone else.
Halsnæs Bryghus, Nordre Beddingsvej 35, Hundested; 18:00; reserve a table at 2616 7046 or

Skt Hans in the Old City
Start off your day at this event, where you can munch on samples of organic food prepared over the bonfire.
ByOasen I De Gamles By, Agnes Henningsens Vej 17, Cph N; 13:00-16:00; free adm

Skt Hans at Apostelkirken
Sankt Hans Aften in a church with Iranian kebabs? There’s a first time for everything. In addition to the obligatory bonfire, this event will also feature a prayer service.
Apostelkirken, Saxogade 13, Cph V; 18:00-21:00; free adm

Skt Hans in Fælledparken
Stop by at the Café Pavillonen area in the park, where you can buy food and drinks and stick around or move on to your own gathering.
Fælledparken, Øster Allé, Cph Ø; 18:00-23:00; free adm

Skt Hans at Nyhavn
Celebrate all day at the harbour, where you can huddle around the bonfire to the sounds of Copenhagen Harbour Jazz.
Nyhavn; 14:00-24:00; free adm

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