Looking for a great ideas for your summer holiday? Or just want some inspiration for places to get out and see in Copenhagen and throughtout Denmark all year round? Join us for six weeks this summmer as we devote 10 pages of our newspaper to discovering Denmark.
Each week features:
Copenhagen neighbourhood safaris – you'll find that the best Copenhagen begins where the city centre ends
Kulturklik – your guide to Copenhagen-area musuems and other culutral activities
Island hopping – Demark is made up hundreds of islands. Each week, we'll bring you to a new one, profiling the island, what to do, what to eat and where to stay – and of course, how to get there
Discover Denmark – don't know much about Denmark? We'll introduce you to a new region each week.
In our first edition, we highlight:
Nørrebro – ethnic, eclectic, eciting
Berlin in Copenhgen – looking to experience a taste of the German capital without ever leaving home? We tell you how
Læsø – islands don't get more idyllic than this
Northern Jutland – Denmark's vacationland
Available from July 6. Pick us up on newsstands and at other select locations, or download the first issue