Inside this week | The two Leonards

Is it my imagination, or does Leonard Cohen (details of his gig at Rosenborg Castle) look more and more like Leonard Nimoy every day? Same first name, roughly the same age, Nimoy’s released a few records: maybe one of them died and since then, the other’s been living a double life, fitting Star Trek conventions into a busy touring schedule. Most likely Cohen as the work’s hardly been queuing up for Nimoy.


He’s disproportionately popular in Denmark, isn’t he? Can’t say I was that familiar with him when I lived in Britain, but as the Olympics reminded everyone, ramming it down your throats until you were choking on the lyrics, we did invent music and have enough of our own to deal with. 


We keep on meaning to do a feature on ‘disproportionately popular’ foreigners, but never get much further than Cohen and the author Paul Auster who, I’m glad to say, is not among those attending Louisiana Literature, because if he was, it would probably suggest he was the only foreign writer they could persuade to come. Fair play to Louisiana. This event actually draws some big names (including Patti Smith), and it’s safe to say that in just three years it has become the most important international literature festival in Denmark. 


Another venue upping its game of late has been Rosenborg Castle. Along with the Cohen concert, it is also this week staging a one-off performance of Much Ado about Nothing, and the same theatre group, ADG Europe, will return to the castle on September 20 to perform Brave New World. 


Elsewhere, it’s another busy week in the city. Bust a gut taking part in the ECCO walkathon and Christiansborg Rundt  and then pile it back on at Copenhagen Cooking (click here for a list of all the free events). 


And finally, for the insane, we’ve got the X Factor auditions . But whatever you do, don’t sing ‘The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins’ – a 1968 song by Nimoy that is arguably the worst of all time and led to fans of Star Trek campaigning for Nimoy to play Aragorn in a live action film of Lord of the Rings.


It was all too much for JRR Tolkien, who died five years later.