If you bought your ticket to Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan in the hope to see a blacksploitation movie starring Pam Grier, only to sit through the crazy antics of undernourished white girls with mommy issues, then Dansehallerne’s Black Swan Lake might be what you were hoping for. Ballet and hip-hop might not share the stage all too often, but Scandinavian break dance champions Phanatix are now bringing their very own brand of funky ballet to Vesterbro.
If their aim was to keep their audience guessing, then these guys have hit the jackpot with a title that, when googled, shows countless pictures of a near-naked Natalie Portman and endless videos of Russian ballet companies. This only leaves us to speculate what their rendition might hold, and to which extent it will follow the original Swan Lake plot. Will Princess Odette become a Prince Odetto, Odile an O-Diddy?
Describing themselves as a hip-hop collective from the ‘old school’, the ‘new school’ and the ‘next school’, these progressive dance scholars have been winning awards all over the continent since their establishment in 1993. As two-time Scandinavian champions, two-time Swedish champions, Scandinavian-Baltic Champions and second place in UK open championships – these guys undoubtedly know their hip-hop.
Come Wednesday, however, two of Phanatix’s most accomplished stars will be tackling a whole different type of school – that of classical ballet. Temu Bacot and Phax Ahamada tell the story of a dancer given perhaps his last chance – an audition for Tchaikovsky’s iconic Swan Lake, possibly the most recognisable ballet on earth.
The evening will undoubtedly feature accomplished and innovative dance, but expect comedy and laughs as well – the promotional clip is a one minute long affair featuring a pair of white Hush Puppy loafers (worn by funk dancers and geriatric Casanovas alike), a pink fedora hat (just don’t leave it on the bed) and a tutu that looks like a hip-hop jockstrap, alongside a picture of the two performers looking like a Boyz II Men tribute band.
Whether you’re a b-boy or a languid prima donna princess of the stage, come and experience the two worlds collide with a bang of explosive dance. Either way, a black swan is an exceptionally rare event – don’t miss it.
Black Swan Lake
Dansehallerne, Pasteursvej 14-24, Cph V; starts Wed, ends Sep 8, perfromances Wed 11:00, Thu & Sep 7, 19:00, Sep 8, 15:00; tickets: 130kr; www.phanatix.net