If you like your furniture or clothes to be unique but still at IKEA prices, if you have just moved here, or you are setting up home for the first time and you need everything from curtains and furniture to china and cocktail dresses – here are some suggestions for quality charity shops where you will be able to find everything you need at reasonable prices whilst feeling good about spending your money.
Spejdernes Genbrug – They claim to sell nearly everything – and they are right. This is the place to go for inexpensive and good quality furniture, curtains, kitchen, toys and clothing. Collectors of fine china and arts may also be awarded for their trek to Farum. It is a massive place and at first it might seem a bit of a daunting venture – but you are definitely rewarded for your trouble if you can bear the initial confusion.
Havremarken 10, Farum; open first Sat of the month 10:00-13:00; www.spejdernesgenbrug.dk
Loppeshoppen – This is also one of the have-it-all charity shops, and it is run by some very helpful volunteers. Kælderen, one section of Loppeshoppen, has men’s clothing, everything you need to furnish your new home and a decent sized book section. Hjørnet, the other section of Loppeshoppen, has clothes for women and unlike many charity shops, it also has a great range of clothing for children and toys.
Hjørnet at Søndre Fasanvej 2 & Kælderen at Søndre Fasanvej 2A, Frederiksberg; open Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00
Røde Kors Butik – A charity shop that sells vintage clothing for charity prices. It even has a rack donated by celebrities – not that the clothes are any more expensive – but if you fancy wearing trousers worn by TV host Henriette Honoré, this is the place to shop. The standard is good (no surprise given the address) and every Monday they put out new clothes that you can distinguish thanks to their elaborate colour-coding system. And it doesn’t smell like your average charity shop, and it is not so crammed that you will give up after the first rack.
Strandvejen 130e, Hellerup; open Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat 10:00-14:00
GenbrugJagtvej 199 – Childcare DK – This is the one charity shop to go to if you are ever in need of a smart cocktail dress, a ball gown, or even a tuxedo. The selection is very wide – they have a fair number of inexpensive coats and shoes, and they are always ready to help out when you have your next costume party – whether it be the 1920s, Mad Men or the 1980s. Around Christmas and New Year’s it can get a bit busy – so get there early for the ‘julefrokost’ and New Year’s Eve outfits. There’s a 15 percent discount for students.
Jagtvej 199, Hellerup; open Tue-Fri 11:00-17:30, Sat 10:00-14:00