Movember update | Final week

This week will conclude the month of moustaches. But it’s not a time for mourning, rather a time for reflection and bragging. Especially amongst The Copenhagen Post’s ‘Movember’ers’, who as a team are close to finishing in the top 40 in the Danish Movember charts.

Christian Wenande looks set to settle for second place with 1,190kr to his name. In third place is our editor-in-chief, Kevin McGwin who has managed to raise 901kr. Trailing at the back are Peter Stanners, and Dima Paranytsia who currently have 725kr and 125kr respectively.

But the number one Movember man is Ray Weaver, who has managed to raise an incredible 1,297.50 kr in a week to put him in 98th place in Denmark. But there are still two days left in which anything can happen. 

Search for ‘The Copenhagen Post’ team on, and help us with the final push!