Chemistry & Fireworks
They’re big, bright and sound like a BANG − the holiday season is a time when the skies of Copenhagen will be lit up by plenty of fireworks and sparkles, and now you can learn just how those giant sparklers work. At the Experimentarium, the popular exhibition and fireworks show teaches anyone interested in the chemistry behind our favourite fire hazards. Don’t miss this show! It will be sure to make you ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ … and also say ‘aha’.
Tuborg Havnevej 7, Hellerup; Dec 18-20 at 10:00 & 12:00, Dec 28-30 at 12:00, 14:00, & 16:00 (approx. 30 minutes); tickets: adult 160kr, children under 11yrs 105kr;,, 3927 3333
Make your own mask
What animal do (or would) your kids look like? Is it real or imaginary? Take them to this workshop and take instruction from two artists who will inspire your kids to create their own animal mask!
Den Frie, Oslo Plads 1, Cph Ø; ends Jan 6, open 12:00-17:00 all days bar Mon, until 21:00 on Thu; 3312 2803,;
Nisse University
Where your children can learn everything about the mischievous elves from nisser experts and walk away with a diploma.
Nationalmuseet, Ny Vestergade 10, Cph K; Sun 10:00-15:00, also Dec 23 & 30; 3313 4411,;
Gingerbread decorating
Treat yourself to free gingerbread and decorate it with frosting as much as your Christmas creativity (and hunger) permits.
Café Glad, Biblioteket, Rentemestervej 76, Cph NV; Sat 10:00-14:00; free adm;