Today’s front pages – Friday, Feb 1

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish dailies are reporting on their front pages

DSB to get a makeover

National rail operator DSB is going to go through a top-to-bottom makeover in the future, according to CEO Jesper Lok. Lok maintained that the current structural model of DSB no longer ensured the delivery of a reliable train service, while the organisation's internal organisation lacks financial transparency. DSB has promised to cut costs by one billion kroner a year, but experts doubt that DSB will survive the liberal EU rail markets of the future. – Børsen

Thorning-Schmidt forsaking her voters

Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (Socialdemokraterne) is going against her voters’ wishes, according to a new survey. The survey, compiled by Gallup, indicated that the PM is on a collision course with her voters if she continues to back Finance Minister Bjarne Corydon’s (S) central plans to enhance competitiveness rather than increase public investment. Some 38 percent of (S) voters believe that increasing public investment is most important while only 15 percent think that enhanced competitiveness is of primary importance. – Berlingske

Greenland’s politicians have mining interests

The political elite in Greenland have close connections to the budding mining industry that is so essential for the country’s future. A look at past and current politicians and public officials has revealed that a number of influential political powers have or have had personal relations to the companies that are trying to reap the benefits of Greenland’s underground. The more prominent individuals include Premier Kuupik Kleist and the minister for industry and mineral resources, Ove Karl Berthelsen. – Politiken

Baby almost froze to death

The newborn baby who was found abandoned in a bag in Valby yesterday was on the brink of succumbing to the cold. The baby had been lying in the street for about seven hours and her body temperature was down to 27 degrees Celsius when she was found. One expert contended that the mother had likely panicked after giving birth. This is the tenth baby found abandoned in Denmark since 2004. – MetroXpress