Today’s front pages – Wednesday, Feb 27

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish dailies are reporting on their front pages

Government growth plan damaging to environment

If the government’s new growth plan, Vækstplan DK, is ratified, CO2 emissions in Denmark will increase by 0.4 tonnes by 2020, according to calculations from the Climate and Energy Ministry. The pollution increase is mostly due to businesses being spared over ten billion kroner is energy taxes through 2020. Green think-tank Concito called the results a “massive failure” for the government's stated green ambitions.  – Politiken

Growth plan to boost business sector

The government’s new growth plan will pave the way for more fund-owned companies, which in turn will keep jobs and head offices in Denmark, according to Børsen financial daily.  The government has set aside billions of kroner through 2020 to ensure that large family-owned companies like Maersk can change to fund-owned companies without being taxed, as they would under current legislation. The initiative is expected to cost 300 million kroner starting from the year 2015. – Børsen

Dansk Folkeparti and Socialdemokraterne equally popular

For the first time in history, right-wing Dansk Folkeparti (DF) and government party Socialdemokraterne (S) are equally popular in the polls. PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s party received 17.2 percent support in the poll following its reforms of the welfare state, while17.4 percent of voters put their support behind DF and its leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl. The poll, conducted by YouGov for metroXpress newspaper, comes as a massive blow to Socialdemokraterne in the wake of recent reforms to the student grant system, kontanthjælp and the growth package. – metroXpress

Socialdemokraterne in turmoil after reforms

The leadership of government party Socialdemokraterne (S) is split following the presentation of the government’s growth package yesterday. Even before the package was revealed, two of S’s top politicians, Mette Frederiksen and Henrik Sass Larsen, were forced to come out in support of the package despite having indicated that they did not support it.  Both Jyllands-Posten newspaper and Ekstra Bladet wrote that the two did not support the package, which infuriated PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt, according to Berlingske newspaper. A number of local S politicians have since revealed that they do not support the policies of their party. – Berlingske