Learn about the coral reefs, the Arctic, or even the American prairie with this week's kids' events.
Junior Roleplaying
Aimed at ages 8-13, roleplaying is a chance for kids to pretend to be fictional characters and play fight. You can join, even if you’ve never played before, and it’s possible to borrow swords and costumes. The teams have adult leaders, and there’s a chance for the rest of the adults to join in between 11:00 and 12:00. Remember to bring a drink as you can get thirsty.
Amager Fælled , Cph S; meet in carpark of Universitetet Station, Sun 11:00, game ends 15:30; 100kr; bring your own lunch; www.juniorrollespil.dk
The Last Coral Reefs 3D
The Last Coral Reefs 3D takes us on a global journey to explore the connection between our cities and the complex vibrant world of coral reefs under the sea. Changes in our cities affect the chemistry of the ocean that coral reefs rely on for survival. The film was shot in Palau, Vancouver Island, French Polynesia, Mexico and the Bahamas and produced by the creators of Wild Ocean: Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas.
Tycho Brahe Planetarium, Gammel Kongevej 10, Cph V; ends March 19; Mon-Sun, times vary; www.planetariet.dk
Danish-Czech Puppetry: The Swineherd
See a puppet show of Hans Christian Andersen’s famous story The Swineherd. A poor prince wants to win the emperor’s daughter so he sets off to the palace, bringing with him two beautiful gifts. Will he win the princess’s hand? Watch the show and find out!
Solvang Library Remisevej 14, Cph S; Sat March 9, 10:15-10:45 & 11:15-11:45; www.livisundby.dk
Arctic: The Polar Bear’s Home
Embark on a fantastic journey to the top of the globe. What lengths must a polar bear go to in order to keep itself and his seven-month-old twins alive in the changeable and wild Arctic landscape that is its home? It is an instructive tale for the whole family on the impact of global warming on animals.
Tycho Brahe Planetarium, Gammel Kongevej 10, Cph V, runs through March, times vary; adults 144kr, children 94kr, headphones with English translation for 20kr; www.planetariet.dk; suitable for ages 3-18
Balder’s Fun Factory
On top of the library is a very special floor. You can run and behave like a madman. There are books on the floor and strings of balloons − see if you can reach! Mum and Dad are tired, but we’ve only just begun. With balls and rings, mattresses and music, come join the fun. Balder Brøndsted is co-author of the books Play as the brains banks and Play as your legs grow.
The library at Rentemestervej, Rentemestervej 76, Cph NV; Sat 10:00-10:45; free adm, register by phone 8220 5431; suitable for ages 1-3
Pow Wow American Indian Workshop
Learn about the North American Indians and their life on the prairie. Find an Indian name, cut a tepee in the paper and listen to Native American myths.
National Museum, Ny Vestergade 10,Cph K; every Sun in March, 12:00-15:00; free adm; www.Gitte.Engholm@natmus.dk; suitable for ages 5-12 years
Spiders Exhibition
Eight eyes, venomous glands and a bad reputation. Spiders send shivers down many people’s spines, but they can also be incredibly beautiful and live fascinating lives. The Natural History Museum’s new exhibition Spiders, appearing at the Zoological Museum, looks past the creepy surface and invites the public to a view the spider’s story as one of beautiful interplays between natural history and art.
Zoological Museum, University Park 15; every day except Mon until 4 August, 10:00-17:00; www.zoologi.snm.ku.dk