Select Shopping | Nørrebro’s hidden gem

Sitting as a small sidestreet off Jagtvej, just opposite the Assistens Cemetery, is Jægersborggade. You may have cycled past it before, but next time, do make that turn! Tucked away in this relatively small street is such a lovely and diverse array of stores you’ll never be able to go past again without a quick visit to one of them. This is truly one of Nørrebro’s hidden gems.

Danish sweets are great, but if you’ve grown a bit weary of the happy world of Haribo and want something a bit more ‘grown up’, then you need to come to this place! Since 2008, Karamelleriet has been selling mouthwatering toffees, caramels and chocolates it makes on site. Fudge, cream caramels, peanut crunch and so much more, you’ll think you’ve died and gone to sugar heaven.
Jægersborggade 36; open Tue-Fri 10:00-17:30, Sat 11:00-15:00;

keramiker – inge vincents
The work of the ceramicist Inge Vincents may be, in her own words, “on the edge of the functional”, but it is definitely beautiful and unique. In her studio she makes coffee cups, flower vases, tea light holders and more. Most of the artwork is made from wafer-thin, white and cream-coloured ceramics that bring a touch of elegance to any home.

Jægersborggade 43; open Mon-Tue: often, Wed 10:00-16:00, Thu 10:00-18:00, Fri 10:00-16:00, Sat 11:00-15:00;

CMYK kld
If you’ve been going around looking for that one thing that you feel your apartment is missing, or if you’re simply a fan of good art − even better if it’s reasonably priced − then look no further. This store is chock-full of beautiful and eye-catching artwork by many different artists. Both originals and prints are available, and you can get them framed for a small fee.
Jægersborggade 51; open Tue-Fri 12:00-17:30, Sat 11:00-15:00, first Sun of every month: 11:00-15:00, first Thu of every month: 12:00-20:00;

Ruben og Bobby
Have you ever sat in your hairdresser’s chair and thought to yourself: ‘I wish I could buy retro computer games and action figures from the ‘90s while also getting my hair done’? In Ruben og Bobby you can do just that. The hair saloon has an impressive selection of action figures and video games for your old Nintendo, Sega or even Gameboy.

Jægersborggade 6; open Mon-Tue: 08:00-13:30, Wed 08:00-19:00, Thu 08:00-17:00, Fri 08:00-13:30 and every other Sat 11:00-16:00;