UPDATE, 11:38am: DMI has now downgraded today's snowstorm warning for today to a warning on drifting and blowing snow. The meteorologists told DR News that traffic problems could still arise from today's weather, and that the snowstorm warning for tomorrow is still in effect.
ORIGINAL, 9:33am: Today and tomorrow, much of the country will be hit with a snowstorm that could dump as much as 20 centimetres of snow in parts of Denmark.
The meteorology institute DMI has issued a snowstorm warning for much of the country, with the worst expected to arrive tomorrow.
Throughout the course of the day today, DMI predicts an accumulation of 5-10cm of the white stuff as well as a continuation of the strong winds that were blowing over the weekend. The snow is expected to blanket southern Jutland, Funen and Lolland by mid-morning before moving north over Jutland and east to Zealand.
DMI warns that the combination of snow and winds can lead to traffic problems.
On Tuesday, DMI says that Zealand, Funen and Lolland-Foster can see as much as 20cm of snow. The snowstorm is expected to die out Tuesday evening.
So much for spring fever.