Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet with the hectic lifestyle of today’s society, not many people have the time − or energy, for that matter − to get up at an ungodly hour in order to prepare a delicious, nutritious breakfast. The solution is simple: get it somewhere else. You deserve it. And by mid-morning, when everyone’s stomach is usually growling with hunger, yours will thank you!
For those who like their breakfast nutritious, filling and tasty, this place is perfect. As the name indicates, they serve porridges. For breakfast you can choose between oatmeal, spelt/rye or a three-grain blend porridge, each topped with delicious concoctions of berries, almonds, syrup or fruits. For those with a gluten allergy, Grød also offers a gluten-free oatmeal porridge or the Icelandic delicacy skyr, with a choice of 3 toppings.
Jægersborggade 50, kl tv, Cph N; only Mon-Fri 07:30-21:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-21:00; 5058 5579; www.groed.com
Let’s be honest: for some of us, the most important part of our breakfast is coffee, and this place has some good coffee. This cosy little cafe serves delicious coffee at very reasonable prices and offers great breakfast options. Should you want your breakfast to go, there are sandwiches and bread rolls. However, if you have time to sit down, you can tuck into some goodness such as their American pancakes or a continental breakfast, complete with a soft-boiled egg and yoghurt with muesli.
Istegade 40, Cph V; only Mon-Fri 08:00-22:00, Sat-Sun 09:00-22:00
If you are a great bread connoisseur, Surdej could very well be your heaven. The bakery has some seriously tasty bread, all made with sourdough and no yeast. The bread is dense, aromatic and bursting with flavour, and you can choose whether to buy a loaf to take home with you or have them whip up one of their mouthwatering sandwiches. They also have a very generous weekend brunch of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and the works.
Sønder Boulevard 105, Cph V; open Mon-Fri 07:30-17:00, Sat-Sun 07:30-16:30
Laundromat Cafe
For those lazy weekends when all you want is to devour some hearty breakfast while you soak up the weekend paper, or try to remember what happened the previous night, Laundromat Cafe is the place. The place has a cool decor and a cosy vibe, and the food is great. The cafe offers various brunch options such as the ‘Basic’, the ‘Clean Brunch’ and the ‘Dirty Brunch’, and they are all scrumptious.
various locations, for example Gammel Kongevej 96, Frederiksberg; open Mon-Fri 08:00-23:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-23:00; 5556 5550; www.thelaundromatcafe.com