Morning Briefing – Thursday, July 18

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish press is reporting

Doctor suspected of fraud

Copenhagen Police are investigating a doctor who they say billed the capital region for medical consultations that never happened. The cops have contacted 78 patients, 40 of whom said that they never had an appointment with the suspected physician. It's thought that the doctor may have billed for as much as 70,000 kroner worth of bogus consultations. One patient said that he discovered that the doctor had written 15 prescriptions in the patient’s name for morphine. The patient did not need and did not receive the drug. – Politiken

Exporters looking for new markets

Danish companies have become more willing to try new markets. According to a Rambøll/Analyse Danmark poll of 331 companies taken for Jyllands-Posten newspaper, the ongoing financial crisis in Europe has inspired exporters to take chances on both new products and new markets. About a quarter of the companies polled say they are searching for new geographical markets. That is three times as many as said they were looking far afield at the end of last year. – Jyllands-Posten

In the dark about sexual harassment

Danes lack a basic understanding of what constitutes sexism and sexual harassment. According to gender researcher Anette Borchorst, Denmark’s long history of equality among the sexes has left the country in the dark ages when it comes to understanding how women experience sexism in the workplace and in everyday life. Borchost said that multinational companies that come to Denmark are shocked to discover that most Danish companies and institutions do not have any sort of guidelines in place to prevent sexual harassment. A new programme being sponsored by Dansk Kvindesamfund, the Danish women’s society, will give women a chance to talk about their experiences with sexism and sexual harassment. – Berlingske

Family life in focus more than parents realise

Most parents believe that they are working too much and spending too much time away from their family, but a recent study suggests that may not be the case. According to research on some 7,000 Danes conducted by the Rockwool Foundation, the average worker has cut their work week by an hour and twenty minutes over the past ten years, and they are spending that time with their families. Two-thirds of all couples are at home an average of four nights a week. Women on average spend nine hours on direct or indirect care of their children, while men spend six hours. Parents spend significantly more time with their children than they do at work, and children spend more time at home than in daycare or other institutions. – Kristeligt Dagblad

Police searching for bag filled with deadly drugs

A bag full of several types of dangerous medications vanished without a trace from a medical vehicle in the capital region. Police in northern Zealand have no clues in the case of the missing red bag that they say is filled with drugs and that could have been missing for several days. The last time anyone noticed the bag was on Monday at about 6pm. The bag is described as red with a yellow handle and a yellow stripe and the word Pax printed in black and red lettering. Police are not sure that the bag has been stolen and would not rule out the possibility that it had somehow been misplaced. Several of the medications in the bag could be deadly. – DR News

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  • Long-term unemployment is double for non-Western immigrants

    Long-term unemployment is double for non-Western immigrants

    An analysis from the Labour Movement’s Business Council shows that the rate in long-term unemployment for non-Western immigrants is 1.8 times higher than for Danes. In other words, a chronic unemployment situation is way more probable for non-Western internationals.

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    Minister proposes major changes to rules for international students in Denmark

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  • Denmark to invest heavily in vocational education

    Denmark to invest heavily in vocational education

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