Morning Briefing – Monday, July 22

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish press is reporting

Military won’t release kill numbers

The military refuses to release figures on how many Taleban fighters and other enemy combatants have been killed by Danish soldiers during the War in Afghanistan. As the last Danish troops leave the war-torn country, some are asking that the military release their estimates on how many enemy fighters have been killed. The Army’s press officer, Peter Enggård, said that such raw numbers have no real meaning.

“We have not been in Afghanistan only to kill Taleban fighters and that has never been our criteria for success,” he said.

Enggård said it is hard to say with certainty how many enemy combatants and civilians were killed during an engagement. Denmark's involvement in Afghanistan cost the lives of 43 Danish soldiers. – Politiken

Man stabbed at central station

A fight outside the Copenhagen Central Station resulted in a man being stabbed late Sunday evening. Police have arrested a 37-year-old man whom they are sure is the culprit. "It was both witness accounts and fresh tracks at the scene that led to the arrest," John Dyhrberg said. Police were less certain, however, about the motive behind the stabbing. The victim was taken to Rigshospitalet's A&E and is in stable condition. – Politiken

Foreigners giving false addresses to get social security numbers

Many foreigners working in Denmark tinker with their home addresses to ensure a Danish social security (CPR) number. Foreigners often find themselves unemployed or in low-paying jobs, so they wind up living in places that do not meet the minimum standards – such as living in homes with too many people in too little space. They give authorities false addresses in order to get and keep their CPR numbers, which are required in order to maintain a Danish residency permit. Some estimate that more than half of all newcomers to Denmark are breaking the law by using bogus addresses. – Jyllands-Posten

Hospital uses only halal beef

Hvidovre Hospital has introduced halal meat to its menu for the sake of Muslim patients. The hospital’s decision to serve only halal-slaughtered beef to all of its patients is being met with criticism.

“We have freedom of religion in Denmark,” said Mehmet Ümit Necef, an integration expert and associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark. “This policy implies that one's religious beliefs should be prioritised.”

Hvidovre Hospital's vice president, Torben Mogensen, said it is impossible for the hospital to use both kinds of beef and that they have received no complaints from patients. – Ekstra Bladet

Former bank executives receive massive golden parachute

Criticism of illegal loans and shady stock policies being carried out at Danske Andelskassers Bank have apparently not stopped the bank from paying huge pensions to two of its former directors over the past ten years. Accounts show that former director Vagn Raun is being paid 180,000 kroner each month while Bent Jakobsen must get by on just 110,000 kroner monthly. The amounts add up to two-thirds of the men’s final salaries, and adjust according to wage changes that occur in the banking sector, thus avoiding the pensions being eroded by inflation. – Jyllands-Posten

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