Two plead not guilty of planting failed Valby car bomb

A labourer is accused of planting a bomb under a family’s car last year following a long-standing dispute over 750,000 kroner in unpaid work on their home

Two men plead not guilty of attempted murder in Frederiksberg City Court today after being accused of placing a bomb under car last August.

The bomb, which was discovered by the car’s owner after it failed to detonate, consisted of a petrol canister connected to a battery and an empty shotgun cartridge. It was designed to explode when the driver’s door was opened.

The suspects are a 38-year-old man with Polish roots, identified as ASP, and a 54-year-old Polish national, identified as AH.

The Ritzau news bureau reports that the family that owned the car owed ASP 750,000 kroner for work he had done to renovate their home in 2008 and that had repeatedly tried to collect it.

ASP reportedly visited the family’s home on Lindebugten Road in the Valby district on at least one occasion when he left a note under the car’s windscreen wiper.

He also sent text messages to a woman who lived in the home. One stated: “Payment reminder: You still haven’t paid for the renovation of your basement. Sort it out.”

ASP’s van was witnessed near the home several days before the bomb was discovered, but he denies ever being there.