Yesterday, The Copenhagen Post reported on Facebook's decision to yank content from Berlingske newspaper and the film magazine Ekko from its site.
Accompanying our story was a photo from the 1970s sex education book 'Elle-belle-bolle', which was also what got Berlingske into hot water with the American company. We posted our story and the photo to Facebook with the expectation that it would also get flagged and removed. "Enjoy it while you can," we wrote.
The post lasted roughly five hours before drawing the ire of Facebook's censors. The photo was removed and The Copenhagen Post's Facebook site was frozen for violating the site's 'Community Standards'.
After acknowledging that the photo had violated the site's standards, and being forced to unpublish our Facebook page, we were able to get it up and running again. Our first status update post-ban was a link to the offending story, sans the 40-year-old photo of a naked man and woman kissing. At the time of writing this story, that status update has been allowed to stay on the site.
While it was the same 'Elle-belle-bolle' shot that got Berlingske temporarily banned, Ekko's offence was to show the cover of its latest issue, which includes a woman's bare breast.