If you're anything like us, your week may sometimes feel like a blur.
That's why The Copenhagen Post is trying something new on Sundays. We will take a deep breath, a step back and a second look at some of the stories that made up the past seven days both in our printed weekly newspaper and online.
As a reminder, you can also hear more from us – if you so wish – via Facebook and Twitter, and via our new daily newsletter, The Evening Post. And if you have a hard time getting your hands on a physical copy of the Post, why not sign up to have it delivered to your inbox?
Here are just some of the stories from the week that was:
– Our cover story looked at the high-risk, high-reward decision to hold the 2014 Eurovision at Refshaleøen
– Our report on the decision by the Muslim associations Dansk Islamisk Råd to collaborate with the Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa TV made waves and even led to a police investigation
– The government opened itself up to more allegations of broken promises when it decided not to push for earmarked paternity leave. The decision was controversial even within the coalition
– Helle Thorning-Schmidt had a high-profile meeting with US President Barack Obama, but Denmark's participation in a military action in Syria remains "hypothetical"
– As the government announced its national rail strategy, we learned the much-maligned IC4 trains are here to stay
– We let you know about a new magazine launch that will help the city's drug addicts
– And on the lighter side, we reported on a frisky feline that somehow made the journey from Denmark to England
– As it is every week, InOut was filled with things to get you off your couch and into the city, including Oktoberfest, the Golden Days festival and the HC Andersen Adventure Show, amongst others
– And if you'd rather just stay at home and watch the best English-language offerings on TV, we've got you covered there as well
– In sport news, we told you about the Vejle woman who is hoping to complete 30 Ironman competitions in 30 days, and wrapped up the transfer action – or lack thereof – in the Superliga
– And finally, we advised you to get outdoors this weekend to enjoy what sadly looks like summer's last hurrah
So get out there and enjoy it. We'll be back on Monday.