A decreasing number of inmates are being granted permission to attend school or take work outside of prison walls in preparation for their return to society.
Kriminalforsorgen, which operates the nation’s prisons, found that despite a stable prison population – about 2,400 individuals nationwide – the number of those granted furloughs to work or study had declined 27 percent since 2003.
The change comes after a 2002 law required inmates to serve half of their term before they could be considered for furloughs.
Previously, inmates needed to serve a third of their term. Criminal justice specialists said inmates now have a harder time finding a programme they can complete before their release.
A tougher approach to inmates who violate prison rules has also resulted in more being denied furloughs.
SEE RELATED: The growing cost of crime and punishment
This story was included in The Copenhagen Post's Morning Briefing for Monday, September 9. If you would like to receive stories like these delivered to your inbox by 8am each weekday, sign up for our Morning Briefing newsletter today.