Who is … Biker Jens?

He is a rebel motorcyclist and the host of the most replayed travel show in Danish TV history.

What made him famous?

TV3 launched the 15th season of the reality TV contest ‘Robinson Ekspeditionen’ last week, and it therefore seems appropriate to mention the show’s most memorable character ever. Biker Jens was a bigoted, flabby, racist, ginger-headed motorcyclist from Amager who had tattoos all over his body and only listened to heavy metal music. When he was voted home, he was offered his own travel show called ‘Biker Jens – Coast to coast’.

What was that about?

Biker Jens cruised across the US on his Harley Davidson, jamming with bluesmen in the Deep South and burned crosses with white supremacists. He fired shotguns in Texas, hunted alligators in Florida, visited Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich in California and graded hamburgers in 12 states. The show was an instant success and sparked two spin-offs in Australia and the Far East.    

What happened then?

The viewers loved his fearless approach to insane challenges, so that became the pitch for his next show ‘Et liv på grænsen’ (Life on the edge). He threw himself into eight extreme American lifestyles, which included him being knocked unconscious in a professional wrestling match and dancing naked as a male stripper. But the show wasn’t a success and it was time to reveal his biggest secret.

What secret?

That he was actually a business economist who had created Biker Jens to get through the casting of ‘Robinson ekspeditionen’. They had rejected his first application, but accepted it the minute he put on a bandana and a leather jacket. When the TV stations began offering him paid trips around the world, he kept the lie going, and from there things escalated.

So is he done in showbiz?

We’re afraid so. Today Jens Romundstad is a lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School and the HR manager for the supermarket chain Fakta. But rumour has it that he still jumps on his Harley every now and then.