More smashed windows for Bandidos neighbour

Calls for police to work faster finding those guilty of violent attacks

For the second time in as many weeks, Lars Georg Jensen had bricks hurled through the windows of his Vanløse home during the early morning hours of Sunday. Jensen, the head of a local residents association fighting to get the biker gang out of the neighbourhood, had his windows completely smashed and suffered damage to the inside of his home. 

The first time Jensen had his windows smashed was the night after Jensen told the media that the biker gang had demanded 500,000 kroner to move out of the neighbourhood. Since then, the Vanløse residents' plight against their gangster neighbours has been a mainstay in the media.

Following the latest incident, local leaders are calling on the police to be more aggressive in bringing those responsible for terrorising Jensen to justice.

READ MORE: Residents fight back against biker gang

City Councillors call for action
“We are a country of laws, so it is unacceptable that a neighbour who protests the reckless behaviour of a gang feels threatened in his own home,” Jakob Hougaard (Socialdemokraterne), a member of the City Council, told DR Nyheder. “The police need to get out here and solve this.”

Hougaard’s colleague on the City Council, Jacob Næsager (Konservative), said he finds it hard to believe that the Bandidos are not behind the attacks.

“It is hard to see this as anything other than systematic vandalism designed to create fear,” Næsager told DR Nyheder. “The police must mount a massive presence.”

READ MORE: City Council joins battle against biker gang

Police cite lack of evidence
The two city leaders arranged a torchlight procession protesting the gang’s presence in the neighbourhood last week and have presented a plan to Copenhagen’s city planning council, Teknik- og Miljøudvalget, that could deal with the situation through a nearly century-old by-law in housing regulations.

Although the clubhouse is officially registered as the owner’s private home, a clause from 1918 states that property in a residential area can only be used to house families.

If the bikers turn out to be behind the vandalism, both council members believe it could help fast track them out of the neighbourhood, but police say that they do not have enough evidence to prove that the gang is behind the attacks.

Investigators say that the tracks leading away from Sunday’s attacks did not lead to the Bandidos clubhouse.

Biker gangs have now moved into residential areas in one out of every five councils across the country, according to a DR Nyheder poll.