Car owners in Copenhagen might find themselves in a pinch when the incoming deputy mayor for technical and environmental affairs in Copenhagen, Morten Kabell (EL), takes office.
Kabell revealed to Ekstra Bladet tabloid that his vision for traffic in the city includes a city-wide light rail system, road pricing and a tunnel under the heavily-trafficked road Åboulevarden that will divert traffic under the city.
"Åboulevarden is one of the busiest roads in all of Copenhagen and I think it illustrates a city development that has come to prioritise cars far too much," Kabell said to Ekstra Bladet. "Supported by Radikale, we want to dig a tunnel under the road that stretches all the way out to Hillerødgade."
READ ALSO: Light rails, trains and fewer automobiles
Getting rid of diesel buses
Kabell also wants to build a light-rail system around the city, pointing out that the capital should have ambitious visions and big plans.
"It will take time, but it's about getting rid of some of those polluting diesel-powered buses and implementing light rails instead, as many cities in Europe have done," Kabell said. "I think it's time that Copenhagen gets a more effective form of transportation."
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Cars given the back seat
Kabell's plan, named 'Bilerne Bagerst' ('Cars in the back'), also envisions fully-automatic S-trains running every five minutes and a new Metro line to the suburb of Sydhavn. Kabell is also eyeing a road pricing structure for motorists and a more extensive bicycle network with more parking, echoing the 200 page report put forward in September by Trængselskommissionen, the governmental committee charged with coming up with ways to improve mobility in Copenhagen.
In total, Enhedslisten expects its plan to cost an estimated 26.8 billion kroner and see its suggestions as alternatives to the harbour tunnel that has been discussed previously.
"Socialdemokraterne and others want to spend 27 billion kroner building a single road in Copenhagen stretching from Nordhavn across to Amager. Our plan is an alternative," Kabell said.
Kabell secured the much-coveted deputy mayoral position after Enhedslisten gobbled up almost 20 percent of the votes in Copenhagen during last week's local elections.