Hiding out with the dragons


JuleHuler (Christmas Hide-Out) is a collaboration between two of Amager’s largest theatre and culture houses for children.  The experience is a creative and interactive dramatic journey through several hundred square metres filled with a maze of magical workshops, shady corridors, secret rooms and dark dens full of stories, sounds and music. For more information, visit www.miniCPH.com/juleHULER. 

ZeBU theatre, Øresundsvej 4, Cph S; starts Fri, ends Dec 18, multiple performances, times vary, everyday except Monday; tickets: adults 80kr, kids 40kr, discounts for groups, buy tickets at  www.miniCPH.com/juleHULER; duration: 90 mins; appropriate for ages 4+

Pixie Elf University

Children learn and practice skills on how to become an elf, such as, walking in clogs, writing beautiful pixie font and other secret tricks that will be revealed. The day is filled with activities, stories and challenges. In the end if they pass, chilldren earn a pixie diploma. For more information, visit www.miniCPH.com/elfUNIVERSITY.

National Museum, Prinsens Palæ, publikumsindgang, Ny Vestergade 10, Cph K; open every Sat & Sun in December, 12:00-15:00; tickets: 30kr; appropriate for ages 2-9; www.miniCPH.com/elfUNIVERSITY

Build an Architectural Snowscape for Santa

Let your imagination guide this fun family activity as you build an architectural snow landscape for Santa. Do your elves like open spaces with ice rinks, green urban dwellings with pine trees or perhaps a winter bathing house? Building materials provided. Bring a bike light if you want to light in your Santa scenery. For more information, visit www.miniCPH.com/snowSET.

Danish Architecture Centre, Strand Street 27 B, Cph K; Sun 10:00-14:00; tickets 50kr; Appropriate for ages 3+; www.miniCPH.com/snowSET

Ice Skating Venues in Copenhagen

This time of year many outdoor ice skating rinks pop up all over town.  We have compiled a list of the outdoor and indoor ones that will keep little ones busy on their skates all winter.  Some of these places are open every day from between now and the end of February (even on holidays).  This is an easy last minute activity for busy parents with kids who love to skate or looking for a family friendly evening outing. For more information, visit www.miniCPH.com/skating.

Various locations; open daily; www.miniCPH.com/skating

These children's listings are supplied by mini CPH, an online city guide and free newsletter for busy parents in Copenhagen providing curated ideas for things to do, see, eat and make with your kids. Our mission is simple … help parents have more fun with their kids. Sign up for miniCPH newsletter!