Faster trains on their way after deal reached

Government, DF and EL will invest billions of kroner from oil reserves on a new electrified rail system

An upgrade of the national rail infrastructure is now on its way after the government, Dansk Folkeparti (DF) and Enhedslisten (EL) finally reached common ground in the negotiations over the train fund Togfonden DK.

"This will be a considerable improvement of public transport," Transport Minister Pia Olsen Dyhr (SF) told Politiken newspaper after the meeting. "It's probably the first real improvement since Storebæltsbroen."

READ MORE: Negotiations for new train plan derailed

Negotiations were brought to a halt yesterday when DF pulled out after presenting a last-minute demand for a light rail line in Vejle.

The 28,5 billion kroner investment plan to electrify the rail net will make it possible to travel between the largest cities in Denmark in less than an hour. This will save commuters around nine million travel hours by 2024-2026, when the project is expected to be finished.

READ MORE: Government presents new rail strategy

The government, DF and EL have already agreed to finance the fund by harmonising tax rules for North Sea oil companies.