A snow storm is expected to hit northern Jutland by tomorrow, warns the meteorological institute DMI.
Around 15 centimetres of snow is expected to fall over the space of six hours along with a brisk wind from the east and south east.
The storm comes from a warm low pressure area that is sitting over the UK and a cold high pressure system over eastern Scandinavia.
READ MORE: The big freeze coming this weekend
Snow drifts
“As a result it will form a front that will bring wind, sleet and snow on Friday and move over Denmark from the west but remain mostly over the northern and westerly parts of the country where temperatures will hover a little under freezing,” DMI reports.
TV2 meteorologist Jens Ringgaard also warns of snow drifts across northern Zealand that could have an impact on traffic and public transport.
“We have our eye on northern Zealand, where the precipitation is rather wet at the moment but could turn into fine snow that could drift because of the wind. This could have an impact on traffic, particularly because 30 to 40 percent on Denmark’s population lives in the region,” Ringgaard told the tabloid BT.