Select Shopping | Finally… guilt-free shopping!

Your wardrobe is bursting and you have nothing to wear. Not because you don’t have any clothes, but because every time you come up with a great outfit you realise you’re missing that one vital piece that would make it complete. “No problemo for a modern city dweller like me,” you think. But you go to a street and find all the things you needed years ago instead of what you’re looking for. Frustration ensues. While we can’t help you find that vital accessory, we do know how to prevent the irritation that sucks the life out of this lighthearted activity. Get to feel good about shopping by doing it for charity!

Røde Kors Butik
While you’ve heard of the Red Cross before, you might not realise it operates over 230 volunteer-run shops in Denmark, each specialising in either clothes and shoes, furniture or the usual knick-knacks that include a hidden treasure here and there. New items arrive every week and are sorted by colour, and your purchases help support the Red Cross development work and disaster aid. 

various locations;

Blå Kors
Not everyone who is in need of help is thousands of kilometres away – some you may have overtaken on the bike-path this morning. The Blue Cross helps people recover from alcohol and drug abuse by providing treatment, shelters and child support. They have many shops in Denmark – the one in Copenhagen specialises mostly in clothes, but you can also check out their webshop!

Borgergade 27F, Cph K and various locations; open Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00 & Sat 12:00-17:00;

Danmission, the Christian church of Denmark’s international outreach mission, focuses especially on Egypt, Tanzania, India and Cambodia. They have 80 ‘genbrug’ or recycling stores across Denmark, four of which are in Copenhagen, and they offer a wide and ever-changing selection of second-hand goods. Most are open weekdays until five, but check out their website for further details.

various locations;

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
Another church initiative, this time rooted in the Danish Lutheran church, DanChurchAid seeks to provide help for the poorest of the world to live a life of dignity. Its boutiques are manifold and popular – a new one, Loop, has opened up recently in the centre of Copenhagen on Fiolstræde. Featuring both vintage and popular contemporary brands on two clean and well-organised floors, it may well deserve the title of Copenhagen’s trendiest charity shop.

Loop, Fiolstræde 28, Cph K and various other locations; open Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00, Sat 10:00-14:00;