There is no guarantee that the Metro City Ring will be finished on time or within budget. That announcement from Metroselskabet, the company behind the construction, inspired Magnus Heunicke (S), the transportation minister, to call for an urgent meeting of the parties involved.
"This is serious announcement, which I have to discuss with the other parties involved to consider what we can do to assure that the time schedule and budget are met,” Heunicke said in a statement.
The City Ring is due to be completed in 2018, but Metroselskabet fears that citizen complaint about noise and disruption could prolong the deadline by up to two years.
Concern over environmental rulings
There is a need for clearer guidlines governing construction, according to the company. They are especially concerned about the impacts that rulings from the Environmental Board of Appeals have on the construction.
Environmental authorities have altered building regulations about things like round-the-clock work and noise levels a number of times over the last few months in attempts to placate angry citizens.
Heunicke shares the company's concerns;
“Every day the Metro is delayed is a shame," he said. "It will be a huge plus for Copenhagen when it is finished."