Imagine losing a football and then a few days later getting a call from Peter Schmeichel to say he’d found it in a bush. Sounds implausible doesn’t it, but yet something incredibly similar has just happened to British actress Sue Hansen-Styles from the Why Not Theatre company.
When her computer was stolen while she was riding home on Friday, she remained hopeful that somebody might find some of the other items also taken – namely her personal script for the play ‘WIT’, which opens on March 6 at Bådteatret.
Dyrholm to the rescue
But never in her wildest dreams could she have expected a fellow thespian to find it, and that saviour to be none other than Denmark’s best-known contemporary actress, Trine Dyrholm, who international audiences probably know best for playing Pierce Brosnan’s love interest in ‘Love is all you need’ (‘Den skaldede frisør’).
“Irony of ironies newsflash!” Hansen-Styles wrote on Facebook today.
“Trine Dyrholm called me last night. She and a bunch of actor friends had found my bag – no laptop of course – saw the script, found a cast list and tracked me down. As she said: to lose a laptop, irritating, but to lose a script!!!”
Man stole laptop while cycling
On Friday evening cycling along Gammel Kongevej in Frederiksberg, Hansen-Styles had felt a nudge and thought a fellow cyclist had accidentally bumped her rear wheel. She turned to see a man, but thought nothing of it. A few metres later, at the next set of lights, she discovered that her bag was missing – as was the cyclist behind her.
Hansen-Styles, who recently had all her hair shaved off to play the lead role of a woman with ovarian cancer in ‘WIT’, also lost two baseball caps, a MacbookPro in a “shocking pink case” and other Why Not Theatre documents.
“If you see the man,” she wrote on Facebook on Friday.
“Ask him how the heck he managed to nick it all from my bike basket while I was cycling along. Shaving my head was a walk in the park compared to this experience.”