In a bid to provide better directions for the millions of tourists who visit the country every year, the City Council has announced that it intends to erect 40 stands with 200 signs in English around the city.
The signs will give directions to both larger attractions like Tivoli and the Little Mermaid, as well as smaller and more obscure points of interest.
“It has to be easy for tourists to find the many attractions in Copenhagen when they move about the city on foot or bicycle, so we will set up tourist signs in English,” Morten Kabell (EL), the deputy mayor for technical and environmental issues, told metroXpress newspaper.
READ MORE: Tourism plan aims to move beyond the Little Mermaid
Part of a greater plan
In co-operation with tourism promoters Wonderful Copenhagen, the mayor’s office has pinpointed 74 attractions across the city that the signs will help guide tourists to.
The news comes on the heels of the tourism plan that was unveiled by the business minister, Henrik Sass Larsen (S), last month. The plan is designed to attract more high-spending tourists and improve the nation’s tourist locations.
Around eight million tourists visit the capital every year.