Genocide convict asks for family reunification

Rwandan army captain charged with war crimes wants to return to Denmark where he lived for two years

Captain Innocent Sagahutu, known as 'Slagteren fra Skjern' (the butcher of Skjern), wants to return to Denmark where he holds citizenship after a UN tribunal convicted him of war crimes relating to his role in the Rwandan 1994 Genocide, which claimed approximately 800,000 lives.

UN sentenced Sagahutu to 15 years of prison after finding him guilty of commanding the forces who assaulted and killed the Rwandan prime minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana and the ten UN soldiers guarding her.

In 2000, Sagahutu was arrested in the western Jutland village Skjern, where he lived for two years with his wife and two kids.

While parliament is divided on the question of whether Sagahutu should be allowed family reunification in Denmark, spokespeople for the government parties Socialdemokraterne (S) and  Radikale (S) said that it is not up to the politicians to decide.

"The immigration services will handle the application," integration spokesperson Mette Reissmann told Ekstra Bladet. "I am confident that they will make the right decision."