New Dong Energy chairman appointed

The former AP Møller-Mærsk board chairman, Thomas Thune Andersen, is the new man in the hotseat

Dong Energy has just confirmed that its new board chairman is Thomas Thune Andersen, who previously held the same position at Denmark’s largest company AP Møller-Mærsk.

However, Andersen will first have to leave his post on the board of the energy company Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE), before he can officially be elected board chairman at an extraordinary general meeting on July 17. He will succeed Fritz Schur, who has been board chairman for nine years.

According to Berlingske Business news editor Peter Suppli Benson, two of the challenges facing the board under his chairmanship will be rebuilding the Danish energy company's reputation with the public following the damage sustained in the Goldman Sachs deal, and living up to the expectations of new shareholders like Goldman Sachs.